If you’re looking for plant-based skin treatment, the Green Peel is the right one for you! An industry staple for decades, the Green Peel is an organic facial peel designed to rejuvenate your skin inside and out. Unlike peels made of harsh chemicals, the Green Peel is a herbal peel made entirely of natural ingredients. We have listed everything you need to know about the Green Peel, from the components to the results. Continue reading.

Photo of Satisfaction Spa facial care.

So, What Are the Green Peel Ingredients?

The components of the Green Peel are various herbs and algae rich in minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that are good for the skin. But what exactly goes into the Green Peel?

  • Pansy
  • Horsetail
  • Ribwort
  • Marigold
  • Aloe Vera
  • Lungwort
  • German Camomile
  • Spirulina

What Is the Green Peel Used For?

Although the Green Peel is suitable for all skin types, it’s especially wonderful for darker skin tones. Dr. Christine Schrammek first developed the Green Peel 60 years ago in Germany. Since then, the Green Peel has become a highly popular facial treatment beneficial for:Photo of Green Peel

  • Blemishes and acne-prone skin
  • Large pores
  • Scar treatment
  • Stretch marks
  • Hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation
  • Sunspots


Benefits of Getting the Green Peel Treatment

The Green Peel is used to treat not just the surface of the skin, but also any underlying problems that are causing your skin to not look its best. The Green Peel:

  • Increases blood circulation to the dermis
  • Increases the oxygen supply to the treated skin
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Stimulates skin cell renewal
  • Boosts the skin with essential nutrients

All in all, these benefits will work together to give you a bright, even skin tone in the long run. And that’s a result worth considering.

The Green Peel in 3 Steps

During a Green Peel appointment, clients are treated to a one-hour facial. The face peeling treatment includes:

Photo of Facial massage Step 1: Cleansing the Skin

After evaluating your skin thoroughly, we prep the skin. This is done through a gentle cleansing of the skin, using products that nurture the skin and unclog your pores.

Step 2: Green Peel Facial Application

Once we clean and prepare the skin, we apply the peel. Using soothing techniques, we massage the mixture into the skin for 10 minutes. Microparticles in the herbal mixture remove the top layer of the skin to stimulate cell renewal and collagen production.

Step 3: Compress and Moisturize

After we remove the peel, we then apply a compress to the skin and left on for twenty minutes. Finally, the compress and excess herbal mixture are removed. The Green Peel ends with applying a moisturizer to seal the treated skin.

Contact a Green Peel esthetician to learn about the precautions you should take before your Green Peel appointment.

5 Days after the Green Peel Treatment

Although the Green Peel is organic, it’s still a medical-strength peel that requires proper aftercare. The first five days after the Green Peel facial are the most important. You’ll notice your skin start to peel on the 3rd or 4th day depending on your skin. Do not expose your skin to any water. It’s also essential you tone your skin and moisturize it regularly for optimal results.
It’s perfectly normal to feel the heat on your skin after the Green Peel. Itchiness is a common side effect that clients report, as well, in addition to some redness and swelling. All these symptoms will go away in about a week, so there’s no reason to worry.

One Step Closer to Brighter Skin

The Green Peel is a viable option both for men and women. If you’re looking to brighten up your complexion, consider a Green Peel treatment. You’ll definitely see a difference in your skin in no time. Moreover, the Green Peel is not just good for the face but is also an excellent treatment for other areas of the body.

RELATED: Check our Green Peel page with more info and prices.


What is green peel ?
Green peel has been around for over 60 year , was developed by Dr. med. Christine Schrammek . The basis is a mixture of eight selected herbs containing enzymes, minerals and vitamins, which are massaged into the skin.
Who is Green Peel treatment for ?
Almost everybody ! Suited for all skin colours and different conditions! It is completely customized for each and every person by your medical aesthetician!
What Skin issues does Green Peel treat ?
Green peal can be gentle or very deep peel depending on your needs and your skin expert’s recommendations! Classic Green Peel provides complete skin turnover in 5 days !
It provides dramatic visible results in skin tone and texture , wrinkles and sagging skin , boosts collagen and elastin production, improves scars , large pores , acne scars , sunspots …
also it’s amazing for stretch marks and skin tightening on the body !
How many treatments does one need ?
It all depends on your skin needs and goals. If you are trying to treat Scars , Discolouration, Strength marks , wrinkles we at SatisfactionSpa recommend Classic Green Peel 3-4 treatments with 4 weeks apart !
Can I do multiple areas at ones ?
No! Green peel should be done 1 area every 24hrs !